Luis Loza is a developer at Paizo, working on the Pathfinder Lost Omens line and formerly on Campaign Setting and Player Companion lines. He's done freelance for Paizo Inc, Legendary Games, Rogue Genius Games, and more third-party publishers. His hobbies include gaming both tabletop and video, making jokes, obsessing over time travel, taking naps with Nova his cat, and walks with his wife. He is eternally plagued with a hunger for tacos. Consider checking his material on his Patreon at
I don’t know if I’ll stop playing Overwatch anytime soon. The game is two years old and I’ve racked up an almost embarrassing amount of time on the game. The gameplay is great, but I’m also a big fan...
Well he’s finally here, statted up for you! If you play this game, you can play him, too! Get your dice together, grab your battle mat, so you can use these monkey stats. HUH! Ahem. Hey, I statted up...
A long time ago in a galaxy far, far away… Lucasfilm released yet another Star Wars movie and I was there to cash in on it! With Solo now out in theaters, I figured it would be a perfect...
One memory that I have burned into my brain is from when I was 6 years old. A friend and I were at a local grocery store which happened to rent video games. He had enough money to rent...
Mass Effect is awesome. I knew nothing about the series when I first jumped into and was blown away. The game was super fun and the setting was deep and interesting. It made me fall in love with it...
The Avengers: Infinity War hype continues and I’m not hopping off the hype train just yet! This week, I return to space to tackle a furry little friend that will help complement an entry I did about a year...
You may have not heard, but there’s another entry to a popular set of movies that’s coming out today. This whole chain of events began just shy of ten years ago with a little movie called Iron Man. I...
A lot of the monsters I make on this blog are ones that I have strong ties to, usually from my childhood. This week on another nostalgia-powered blog I take a look at another game that I spent way...
The very first video game console I had was the Super Nintendo. I was five years old and it came with two games: Super Mario World and Super Mario Kart. One of the first things you encounter in Super...
Last week I saw Ready Player One and one of the notable inclusions to the movie was an enormous robot from a number of people’s childhoods. While this could be a number of different robots, I’m referring to the...