Hi! I am John Godek, Executive Producer for Intrepid Heroes. I am one of the few Gamemasters who has achieved 5 Nova status for the Starfinder RPG from Paizo, as well a Starfinder freelance writer and avid player. When I am not busy running games or working on the podcast, I am a university professor in the Seattle area, teaching business classes. Prior to earning my PhD from the University of Michigan, I was an officer in the US Coast Guard where I sailed the seven seas and circumnavigated North America, in addition to doing scientific work in the Arctic and Antarctic, and law enforcement work on both the East Coast and West Coast of the US.
John chatted with Roll for Combat’s Mark Seifter and Stephen Glicker about their ongoing projects and the recent issues concerning the OGL. Listen Now!(mp3)
John and Jason discuss how Starfinder compares to other D20 systems and what resources they recommend for those getting started with Starfinder. Listen Now!
John chatted with freelance author and game designer Sen H.H.S. about her writing career and how it has helped her cope with mental illness. Listen Now!(mp3)
John is taking a several episode break from editing and posting Intrepid Heroes. We’ll pick up right we left off afterwards. We are nearly finished recording Devastation Ark and plan to finish soon. Listen Now!(mp3)