Every week, Now You Know recaps the Know Direction content of the past week, previews the Know Direction content of the week to come, as the director of operations, Ryan Costello, shares his thoughts on the state of the network.
It’s the traditional time of year to look optimistically at the future. However, this year I’m going to be more realistic. I’ve missed a lot of Now You Knows this year, more due to the time it takes to come up with and then write my editorial portion of the blog. Since this blog is primarily about informing our audience of upcoming content and promoting the hard work of our dedicated staff, my failure hurts others. So in the future, I will only write an editorial when I have something on my mind of an announcement to make. Otherwise, Now You Know will be used to promote Know Direction content.
Speaking of network content, here is what the Know Direction Network had to offer last week:
Recap of December 31st to January 5th
What happened last week on knowdirectionpodcast.com and twitch.tv/knowdirection?
Sunday, December 31st
Know Direction Holiday Special 2023
My favourite episode of the year once again uses the holiday season as an excuse for a bunch of Know Direction staff to catch up and hang out.
Wednesday, January 3rd
Presenting – Michael Bramnik
Presenting is back! Michael Bramnik is also back! He returns to talk about Evil Genius Games’ organized play program. Even if you aren’t interested in Evil Genius’ Everyday Heroes line, this episode might be a vision into the future of Paizo’s Organized Play programs.
Friday, January 5th
Upshift 029: Toy Talk 2024
Give me a live mic and no outline, and you get an hour of random G.I. JOE thoughts.
Preview of January 8th to January 12th
Block 1 of our 2-block schedule.
Monday, January 8th
Intrepid Heroes 123 – Frujai Attack
When our Intrepid Heroes encounter gravity-defying fungi, so there’s mushroom for wordplay!
Now You Know – Easing Up On Editorials
By Ryan Costello
Also, I intended to make a new banner for 2024, but I keep forgetting. So you get one more week, Prime and Baby Dragon.
Tuesday, January 9th
Game Design Unboxed 80: Misconceptions
Danielle speaks with George Li about designing a party game for… Bud Light?
Eldritch Excursion
By Nate Wright
Nate’s Pathfinder and Starfinder designs and musings.
Thursday, January 11th
Digital Divination 100
99 episodes in the making, John and Jason celebrate Digital Divination hitting the triple digits!
Friday, January 12th
Essential Builds – Odo
By Ryan Costello
With this week’s release of Changeling rules for My Little Pony, I bring Star Trek’s favourite shapeshifter to Essence20.
Now you know,
Ryan Costello