Hey, remember how last episode, Glanville receives a painting from an admirer? And how everyone was suspicious it was some kind of murder painting? It ends up, yep! Murder painting.
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Young and Adventurous is a production of the Know Direction Network. GM Scott D Young brings the old Adventurous crew into a new edition of Pathfinder, running an original adventure that serves as a sequel to Paizo’s Pathfinder Society Scenario #2-17: Lost Maid of Anactoria. Syrinscape provided our theme song and background music. Check them out at syrinscape.com. Finally, the network and content like this is made possible thanks to the generous donations of our patrons at patreon.com/knowdirection
Ryan Costello as Xavier Saveur
Jefferson Jay Thacker as Glanville Placid Humphrey Alencroft
Loren Sieg as Lily Campbell – Human Investigator of the Toxin Codexer variety, Young Reformer
Vanessa Hoskins as Idonia Stonebrook – Human Priestess of Milani
Jason Keeley as Oggdren Bloodhammer – Dwarf Cavalier, disgraced knight of the Taldan Horse
And Scott D Young as our illustrious Game Master.