Recall Knowledge – Being Legendary

Every week, Recall Knowledge recaps the Know Direction content of the past week, a preview of the Know Direction content of the week to come, and the director of operations, Ryan Costello, thoughts on the state of the network.

You can rewrite lost text, you can redraw a lost image, but you can’t rerecord lost audio.

Our April Fool’s gag joked about Loren and Vanessa taking over the network, but with all of the Legend Lore content lately, we could have just as easily reskinned the site as the Legend Lore Network.

We’ve released an average of one Legend Lore a week, with back-to-back Legend Lores releasing Mondays and Tuesdays of Block 2. This week features a double dose of not just Legend Lore, but me on Legend Lore. Luis and Loren invited Perram and I onto tomorrow’s episode to celebrate Legend Lore’s first anniversary.

Since we never came up with another name for the Stabby’s Group episodes, I affectionately think of the extra Legend Lore episodes as the One Shot That Never Ends. It goes on and on again today with Legend Lore Special Edition: One Shot Part 3: Debrief.

And now the question is, should they end? I have character creation sessions recorded for every cast member but Loren, who’s Queen of Wolves character came to be in Legend Lore 017 — New Player Guide, Part 1: Brand New Players. I decided to follow up session 0 with the first part of the actual play to keep the ball rolling, with no clear idea when to release the character creation sessions.

Would you like to hear them? They’re about 30 minutes each, start to finish explanations of the Pathfinder 2e character creation steps.

My reasons to release them: They’re fun because they’re one more chance to visit our Legend Lore One Shot cast, and to gain insight into the inception and development of their characters. It’s also good examples of how to teach 2e through character creation to players of various levels of experience.

Why I’m hesitating: Has the moment passed? Should I have released them concurrent with part 1? Maybe. Plus, they’re drier than your average Know Direction content. These were for the cast first, audience second, instead of both at the same time. I can edit out down time and boring parts of no consequence, but I can’t edit in jokes.

On the topic of the One Shot that never ends, would you be interested in another one-shot with Stabby’s Group? The cast ended the session with positive feelings about 2e and an even better feelings about the cast as a whole, so we’d be up for it. If this is KD content you’d like to hear more of, let us know in the Know Direction Discord.

Speaking of network content, here’s a recap of what you might have missed last week from the Know Direction Network:

Recap of April 5th to 9th

What happened last week on and

Monday, April 5th


Adventurous 054 – You Get What You Deserve

There are two versions of this episode that I could have released. One with the preamble in which Loren admits to stealing a friend’s lucky d20, and one without. How you felt about what happens to Loren (not Lily, Loren) towards the end of the episode depended on which version I released.


Recall Knowledge – The Fool Who Follows

By Ryan Costello

Reminiscing about April Fools past and present.

Tuesday, April 6th


Digital Divination 027 – Dealing with Invisibility

You realize the complexity of perception rules in an RPG when you fight something you can’t see. John and Ron look at invisibility in Starfinder.


Burst of Insight—Don’t Neglect the Character of your Dungeon
By Andrew Marlowe

What’s Doctor Doom without his technological medieval castle in Latveria? What’s Krang without the Technodrome? What’s Karzoug without the Eye of Avarice? A great villain is worthy of a great lair.

Wednesday, April 7th


The Pathfinder Bestiary 3 Review – Know Direction 247

Dustin Knight joined us to review Bestiary 3.


Game Design Unboxed 12: CTRL

I love tactile board games. Some say they’re more toys than tabletop games, to which I shrug, because I also love toys. Julio Nazario talks all about taking the challenges of building prototypes for an abstract tactile game idea, and getting it published.  


Groundbreaking – Academic Private Tutoring
By Randal Meyer

Randal’s series on Caldera Magical Academy feels like the first softcover book in a campaign setting line that only includes the hardcover core campaign setting book. We’re gaining incredible insight into the function, character, and operations of the Caldera Magical Academy, to the point that an entire campaign could easily be run entirely at the magic academy.

Thursday, April 8th


Know Direction 247 – Pathfinder Bestiary 3 Review

Originally, Bestiary 3’s review was scheduled for a month ago and was the topic we thought Vanessa and Loren were going to cover for KD 245. I didn’t think I’d miss covering another Bestiary, but this turned out to be such a good book, and an equally fun review.


Fox’s Cunning – Summon-Dex Bestiary 3 Update Part 1
By Dustin Knight

A double dose of Dustin! Fox’s Cunning subs in for Something Creates this week so Dustin can bring up the latest Summon-Dex the same day the Bestiary 3 review embargo  lifts.

Friday, April 9th


Intrepid Heroes 057 – Teamwork!

I made a joke about this on Facebook, but when Ron listed the immunities of the creature our Intrepid Heroes faced, it felt like there was nothing left. But there was one thing the creature wasn’t immune to: Teamwork!


Bend the Knee Heightened – Stats for Hero’s Shade
By Loren Sieg

I owe Hero’s Shade an apology. I’m the one who sends Loren’s questions to our guests. I accidently sent the same prompt to Hero’s Shade as I sent to The WafflesMapleSyrup Network for the previous BTK. Fortunately Loren asks intriguing questions, and getting the cast of another actual play podcast to answer it lead to just as interesting answers.

Preview of April 12th to April 16th

This is back to Block 1 of our 2-block schedule.

Monday, April 12th


Legend Lore Special Edition: One Shot Part 3: Debrief

We rejoin the players behind Stabby’s Group once again to see what everyone thought of the latest edition of Pathfinder.


Recall Knowledge – Being Legendary

Almost called this “It’s Been Legendary” but I didn’t want anyone to think Legend Lore was leaving the Network.

Tuesday, April 13th


Legend Lore 024 – Happy Birthday

Perram and I join Luis and Loren to celebrate Legend Lore’s first anniversary.


Something Creates by Andrew Sturtevant

Andrew Sturtevant creates Starfinder content, and shares insight into his decisions and his struggles along the way.

Wednesday, April 14th


Know Direction Beyond Live – Backmatter Breakdown

The articles in the back of Starfinder Adventure Paths volumes have been surprisingly player-centric lately, something a lot of players may have missed. Alex, James, and Vanessa look at the best the Starfinder AP backmatter has to offer players.


Presenting – Gamers Making Games:  Jeff Grubb

John Godek talks with veteran designer and fantasy fiction author Jeff Grubb about his storied career, the changing RPG industry, and sharing initials with his interviewer.


Guidance by Alex Augunas

Alex shares his thoughts and comments on topics getting attention in the RPG gaming community.

Thursday, April 15th


Valiant episode 15

GM Luis Loza runs Owen K.C. Stephens, Rob Pontious, Avi, and Jessica Redekop through an original, gun totting fantasy western story.


Investing In by Rob Pontious

Rob shares what he loves about the RPGs he’s been playing lately, and why you should check them out.

Friday, April 16th


Know Direction: Beyond 57 – Backmatter Breakdown

Alex, James, and Vanessa flip to the back of the Starfinder Adventure Paths for the player focused treasures hidden in the backmatter.


Monstrous Physique by Luis Loza

Luis makes monsters!


Now you know,

Ryan Costello


Ryan Costello

What started as one gamer wanting to talk about his love of a game grew into a podcast network. Ryan founded what would become the Know Direction Podcast network with Jason "Jay" Dubsky, his friend and fellow 3.5 enthusiast. They and their game group moved on to Pathfinder, and the Know Direction podcast network was born. Now married and a father, Ryan continues to serve the network as the director of logistics and co-host of Upshift podcast, dedicated to the Essence20 RPG system he writes for and helped design. You can find out more about Ryan and the history of the network in this episode of Presenting: