Munchkin Starfinder from Steve Jackson Games
Steve Jackson Games announces Munchkin Starfinder. Combining the Munchkin styled card play we all know with Starfinder’s awesome spacey-ness.
A Kickstarter for the project will launch on October 23rd, and the game will be compatible with all other Munchkin games and expansions, including Munchkin Pathfinder.
From their website:
Munchkin Starfinder combines the roleplaying, backstabbing action of classic Munchkin with the lasers, alien planets, starships, and adorably deadly skittermanders from the Starfinder Roleplaying Game! Defeat The Swarm and loot the universe . . . in Munchkin Starfinder!
More information is available on the Munchkin Starfinder page here.