Private Sanctuary 278 – Building Better Backstories Ft. Perram

The Everyman Gamer and the Man Behind the Screens invite a very special someone into the Private Sanctuary today for a special three-man-look at building character backstories. Listen to some great tips and advice from experienced GMs as Anthony and Alex welcome Know Direction’s own Jefferson Jay Thacker, also known as Perram, to the Private Sanctuary!

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  1. Quo

    Started listening to your podcasts a month ago. Really enjoy them. I really really enjoyed this episode. I’ve been sending links to the site to friends.
    Keep up the good work.
    Back story is so important!

  2. Trent

    Hey gang,

    Thanks for the many helpful suggestions. I, like Alex, often focus on the build first and then think of what kind of person would function in this way. I appreciated the suggestion of picking a profession and building the backstory around that. I also agree about the 30 second pitch for your background in PFS; I find that I have to go out of my way to bring in some of my story to the table.

    As an aside, I had a hard time hearing a couple of people with my volume all the way up. Could just be me, but the mics might need to go up some more.
